Bella T., Bookkeeper + Blogger

Before I worked with Katelyn, I felt very lost around food and my body.

I had worked very hard to battle chronic illness and read and researched all the things about nutrition. And even though changing my diet helped bring a lot of healing to my body, it caused me to become scared of food.

I really appreciate Katelyn’s approach to eating. It’s not black and white, it’s not about rules and restrictions.

I learned how to finally feel FREE from anxiety around food.

Her coaching is not a one-size-fits-all. There is no ONE WAY to nutrition and health. But this is the main reason I chose Katelyn.

She knows her stuff, but she’s quite humble and open-minded.

Since working together, I’ve gained a lot of confidence in my understanding of how to nourish my body. Whenever my mind wants to shift back to restrictions and food rules, I remember what I’ve learned and I apply it.

It gives me peace of mind to know that I have all these tools and that I can apply everything I’ve learned.

Not only around food and my body but to all of the other areas of my life!


Mary D., Food Blogger


Shary F., Writer + Dancer