This Simple Phone Habit Changed The Way I Feel During The Day

Last year I stepped out of my comfort zone and implemented a habit that empowered my mental + emotional health in a brand new way:


That’s right! All of them- texting, email, social media, random little news updates etc.

Here’s the deal- we can only control so much throughout our days. Especially given all of the curveballs we're becoming so familiar with (which totally wrecks our nervous system btw).

This is why it’s so important to take care of ourselves in the capacities that we CAN control.

Choosing to turn off notifications is a great example of how we can begin doing this- creating a healthy boundary.

Boundaries are something that I talk about a lot with clients- learning how to set them is essential for practical self-care & healing our relationship with food + body image.

Now that my notifications are silenced, I'm no longer on the edge of my seat wondering what I'm going to be faced with whenever I look at the screen or hear a "ding!".

These days, sans alerts, I CHOOSE when I want to engage & get myself in a place where I can take on a potentially uncomfortable emotion, rather than feeling like my phone is controlling me.

And I feel more present with my virtual conversation & get excited to engage with friends, family & my community vs. feeling like I "should".

It may not seem like it, but phones are one of those sneaky little things that can sabotage our satisfaction & steal our mindfulness + intuition if we don’t create boundaries.

If the thought of shutting of all notifications sends you into panic mode, consider starting small- perhaps quieting something specific (like social media or the news) and building from there.

Isn't it awesome learning how to trust our bodies in unexpected ways like this one? ;)

(***never just about the food or what we see in the mirror***)

P.S. If you want even more resources and ideas for feeling comfortable in your skin and more present in life, be sure to grab my free Body Acceptance Starter Kit!


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