How Wellness Trends Like Food Tracking And Whole 30 Can Actually Harm Our Health

A few days ago I was scrolling IG & a caption from a Doctor caught my eye...

It was a post about how NOT tracking your food is like wandering through a forest w/out a compass.

Her point was that if you’re not counting macros you’re not able to lose weight. 

But here's what she DIDN’T mention:

95% of intentional weight loss is regained within 5 years (most people gain more + raise their bodies set point weight in the process).

The sustainability of keeping track of macros to MAINTAIN weight loss is not reasonable (can you really imagine counting for the rest of your life?...)

Almost ALL bingeing/loss of control eating is a result of restriction (including food groups, timed eating, amount of food etc.)...ehem macro counting.

I’ve never done a macro-tracking diet (or "lifestyle"), but I work with a lot of clients who’ve shared their own horrific experiences...

And bottom line: counting macros takes over your life.

The tracking, weighing, measuring, logging, message boards, recipe searching, body checking, comparison ETC.

If you’ve tried Whole 30 and felt AWESOME afterward but still struggling with food + binging, you’re not alone- most of my clients have experienced some version of this before we start working together.

This is why I’m not a fan of Whole 30:

DISRUPTS BODY TRUST. Forces you to focus on someone ELSE’s plan instead of listening to YOUR body.

REINFORCES RESTRICTION. Restriction goes way beyond the AMOUNT of food- when we restrict food groups, and ingredients and create rules it sets us up for a diet backlash (binge).

NOT SUSTAINABLE. And when you’re reaching for something unrealistic it creates all of that negative talk/judgment "good/bad" thinking".

There’s so much more. Honestly here’s my biggest beef with Whole 30- It plays itself off as a healthy "reset". But when you know how to TRUST your body and make peace with food- your authentic health comes to life.

Your body is so smart - it WANTS to work with you if you give it a chance.

If you’re ready to give your body that chance and begin healing your relationship with food, be sure to grab my free Body Acceptance Starter Kit!


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